Disk 9: How to Conduct Phase II, Age Regression Sessions - Part 3
- Review of video of client in which Phase I and II were conducted in the session.
- Learn what information provided by your clients during the pre-hypnosis interview is relevant to the hypnosis session.
- Learn how to determine which emotions need to be neutralized and which ones need to be validated during an age regression session.
- Additional information about how to complete a pre-talk when your client has unusual fears or misconceptions about hypnosis.
- Learn when you may need to spend additional time in the pre-hypnosis interview.
- Learn how to quickly build rapport with clients so that they will want to proceed with the session.
- Discussion about how to immediately build hope in your clients so that you can get maximum results from each session.
- How to determine what your client is experiencing emotionally during an age regression when they cannot tell you how they are feeling.
- Learn how to use a symptom bridge in an age regression process when the emotions are not reliable.
- How to regress your client back to the Initial Sensitizing Event, when the regressed client reports that the affect/emotion is "new", without leading the client.
- How to get information from a regressed client when they report that they "don't know" without leading the client.
- How to handle it when regressed clients are reporting what they are thinking, rather than what they are feeling.
- Learn the time in the regressed client's life that is optimum for conductingthe Informed Child Technique.
- Learn how to handle the age regression when your client reports being in the womb.
- Learn how to use the "back door" when searching for an Initial Sensitizing Event.
- Learn how to overcome the regressed client's fear of death during an Initial Sensitizing Event.
- Lean why Initial Sensitizing Events are almost always not historically correct, and how to work with those false perceptions.
- Learn how to handle it when your clients who are in hypnosis announces she has to go to the bathroom without emerging them.
- Learn how to "crystallize" new positive beliefs based on the insights gained during the session, which will lead to success for the client regarding the issue that he/she has come in for.
- Learn how to reinforce these new insights and beliefs after the hypnosis session for better results.
- Learn how to practice your age regression skills before you actually have clients to work with.